I loved everyone’s answers! What a fun feature. Thanks for inviting me. I would like to add another person to my Mt Rushmore: Val Monroe. xxL

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Helen Mirren for the win!

Totally agree about Vaseline (though Aquaphor is even better: Vaseline to the nth degree).

As for getting older and not caring what other people think anymore, this is proudly on display in my kitchen:


(Don't worry; hubby has his own cheeky poster, too!)

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Should we start a collection for the Helen Mirren Rushmore or no?

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These are all so good but I want JJB's answers painted on my wall.

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Sep 5, 2023·edited Sep 5, 2023Liked by Valerie Monroe

-- Love, love, love!

This post was beautifully scenic and bountifully smart, Val. Thank you.

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This post is like the Preparation H that Lucy Stone recommends: It shrinks any fears of aging!

Thank you, Val! And a salute to Laurie Stone, Heidi Waldorf, Joan Juliet Buck and Lucy McBride!

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Sep 5, 2023·edited Sep 5, 2023Liked by Valerie Monroe

holy shit this is my favourite by far and in general favourites best left to Saratoga in mid-August and fly-boxes (my humble contribution) to be in the presence of such women "of a certain age" just reminds one that ;attractive" is all about humor self-awareness and (scary)intelligence

your grand-daughter is gonna have a field day with this one when she is ready... in fact a post of her reaction verbatim to it after you read it to her may in fact cause me to re-think "Go for Gold" on turf in the 8th....but i doubt it .... soooo great .... thanks----- from one who checks desultorily and less hopefully every few months to see what helen mirren and harrison ford in montana been up to

gratuitous plug: my sister lily recently wrote in the nytimes book review a fine round-up of summer (now fall?) reading generated by Mainers over the years (hmmmm 2 contributions!!!)


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Sep 5, 2023Liked by Valerie Monroe

I have it on good authority that the source of that heavenly scent all over Maine at this time of year comes from the hydrangea bushes. Ever yours, The Lone Rangea.

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Thanks for the shout-out, Val!!! Love your work and newsletter. 💕

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🥘🏝️First of all, ladies, let's just address the coconut in the room: How in the world did all of you brilliant, savvy, sparkling goddesses end up on a desert island because of Ms. Monroe's wild whims? I mean, come on! We're talking potluck dinner with a side of *us* for every island fiesta. Honestly, I can't even... 🌴🍽️


You’re going to a desert island and can bring only one beauty product. The elders on this island provide sunscreen for free.  What’s in your bag?

Aquaphor Healing Ointment

Not your run-of-the-mill moisturizer. It's the secret cocktail recipe: a multi-purpose ointment that protects and soothes dry skin, chapped lips, cracked hands and feet, minor cuts and burns, and many other skin calamities. 


On this island, a woman over the age of 60 is considered a sibyl. What do you want to tell the younger people who revere you about being older? (If you’re not yet 60, pretend.)



savor it!

your wisdom [your voice]

isn't bound by 

age or title,

                                                     begin now.



regrets? embrace&learn from them.  

inner calm?    >> find it.

life? it always 

has a new 


laughter remains 

the universal 


it’s all about 


life's myriad moments.

drink it in,

            dance to it, 

                       cherish it.


There’s a mountain like Rushmore, as yet un-etched, on this island waiting to display the faces of four people you hold as templates for aging with dedication to conscious choices and style. Who are your candidates?

Diana Vreeland, the unparalleled empress of Vogue and Harper's Bazaar, Diana redefined what fashion could be. Her mind was like fire, igniting a thousand sparks of imagination that consumed every inch of her being.

Hillary Rodham Clinton, a force in global diplomacy, she has navigated treacherous waters with a grace few could muster. Her presence commands attention, like a magnet drawing every gaze, her grit and determination impossible to resist.

Edwige Feuillère, the silver screen’s siren and the theater's luminary of France. She was a symphony of contradictions, a delicate balance between vulnerability and strength, sensuality and innocence.

Queen Elizabeth II, more than mere longevity, her reign has been an ode to constancy amidst change. Amidst the flames of adversity, an eternal elegance resided within her gaze.

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I would love to leave a snappy comment here, but there's nothing I can say that beats: "Just a walking piece of sex."

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I love this, Val - you and Elissa Altman have now inspired a few writing prompts for my new Substack!

My personal favorite all-purpose product is made by a Baltimore shop - Magic 8 Balm by Mt. Royal Soap Co. Fun name, simple formulation. https://www.mountroyalsoaps.com/products/magic-8-balm-all-purpose-balm

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Valerie Monroe

Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream.

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Sep 5, 2023Liked by Valerie Monroe

Love that you’re in such blissful surroundings, breathing in the delicate perfume of hydrangeas. I hear that the fragrance of one variety is redolent of honey-vanilla. Also love this brilliant and highly entertaining post. Many thanks to the contributing sibyls!

Re the shout-out for Vaseline, I prefer Aquaphor (for chapped lips or dry cuticles, not my whole face) because it has a moisturizing ingredient. But do feel a bit conflicted about using either one, since both are petroleum based and petroleum is a non-renewable resource. Then again, petrolatum is a key ingredient in so many products, like Chap Stick.

I suppose that’s because it works, is unlikely to cause irritation or allergic reactions, and is a lot less expensive than what they put in La Mer. Looking forward to the Thursday post!

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Sep 5, 2023Liked by Valerie Monroe

I loved every word of this! Thanks for putting it together Val and enjoy wonderful Maine.

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I love this so much and am going out to get some vaseline! *that is not expired like the 2 jars that have probably been around for 35 years must be. Can Vaseline expire??????

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