OMG! Those berets!

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Jan 6, 2022Liked by Valerie Monroe

I unknowingly hosted a big fat tick right at the site of Ephron's Complaint, and it had to be removed by a doc in the ER. With the critter came flesh and blood. So now the spot is REALLY thin. I back comb it a bit, wear a hat a lot in winter, and hope it's all ponytail length (or some kind of equivalent) by spring. It took three years to go totally gray, and a thin dent Back There really ticks me off (sorry sorry). LW

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Jan 6, 2022Liked by Valerie Monroe

Cut it! But wait. I’m an admin on a fitness related page on FB and a woman asked recently at what age is she supposed to cut her hair. Is there a stated age where women, already the bearers of so much burden in the world, are expected to cut their hair to fit some convention? Say no.

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Jan 4, 2022Liked by Valerie Monroe

Love this, Valerie! I have an Aruba!

I used to work for Carl B. back in the day, during the Heartburn years. Good times...

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I have an area at the back of my head, near the crown on the right side, where the hair seems to grow in faster and wavier than the rest. I've dubbed it "the divine convergence", as in (to my hairdresser): "Don't forget the divine convergence". Your article now has me wondering if perhaps I was singled out as The Chosen One while in the womb. Food for thought.

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