I’m 29 weeks pregnant and the condition usually inspires the blossoming of at least one wart, among other unglamorous skin changes. Last time I was pregnant I sprouted a wart on my nose, prompting my two year old to ask “are you a witch?” I told him “yes” and he stopped asking questions.

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Jun 27, 2023Liked by Valerie Monroe

In college I had 9 warts on my hands and I made an appointment to have them all burned off and the morning of.. they were gone. Perhaps warts are aliens seeing how we live. I frightened them with the threat of harm. ! Try saying "go away wart." like you mean it!

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I love the deeply felt gratitudes, that they are not a list. Recently I’m playing with appreciation rather than gratitude to see if it sits better and is more deeply felt. I have found myself pulling away from gratitudes because they frequently seems to go into list mode in my brain rather than a feeling. If my personal self research reveals anything interesting I’ll write about it in an upcoming newsletter, but I expect it’s just semantics🤣

Aside from the tape I have heard of planting a banana peel in the garden and by the time it disintegrates the wart will be gone. I have not tried this ‘interesting’ approach but it came from two very reputable health care professionals! It’s an interesting approach that, I believe, explores the mind body connection of a wart. Just thought I’d throw that in there even though I don’t know much about it.

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Phenol peel? Amazing the lengths we girls will go to (try to) look beautiful. I'm going to stick with what I've got. Thanks, Val!

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I’m always thrilled to discover another person who understands the concept of “grok” ✨ that book had quite an impact on me as a teenager. I wonder if you ever had a chance to read the unabridged version that his wife released after his death. Much better.

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Jun 27, 2023Liked by Valerie Monroe

When working with clients, I often focus on gratitude (vs. happiness) because gratitude can be cultivated, and can carry one through when times are tough. I like using the 5 minute journal although I need to get back to it. This moment I'm grateful that I have a really good job, access to the internet, my cup of ginger-turmeric tea, and my summer holiday starts this weekend in Canada with siblings.

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Jun 27, 2023Liked by Valerie Monroe

Regarding warts - I heard that Vitamin A gets rid of warts so I put Differin Gel on an awful wart on my foot and covered it with a bandaid. I did this for a few nights and the wart started to dissolve and was gone in about a week. Much more pleasant and effective treatment than the salicylic acid and scraping (!) I endured at the doctor’s office for another wart.

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Jun 27, 2023Liked by Valerie Monroe

Val, clear packing tape is not duct tape, which the studies on wart removal were done -

Clear duct tape is not duct tape.” It turns out “[c]lear duct tape and moleskin both contain an acrylic-based adhesive, whereas standard silver duct tape contains a totally different rubber-based adhesive.” “It is likely that the success of traditional duct tape is associated with the…adhesive that comes in direct contact with the wart during treatment.” In fact, even more likely after the two clear tape studies came out, showing that indeed it appears to be something unique in duct tape, and not just merely the act of occlusion—just covering a wart up.

Great explainer here https://nutritionfacts.org/video/which-type-of-duct-tape-is-best-for-wart-removal/

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I wonder, if men were the ones getting peels, if some of this sh-tuff would even be on the market. Geezus. xo

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Regarding that peel: Yikes. Regarding warts: As a Chinese Medicine doctor, I stick a (sterile, single-use) acupuncture needle in the centre and manipulate it to the point of letting blood, then insert other needles around and under the wart's epicentre. If there's a cluster of warts, I go for the Mother. Taking her out makes the offspring vanish too. Haven't tried packing tape...but sounds way easier and less invasive. xoxo

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Valerie Monroe

The question is… is the wart smaller ? Gone? Did you believe?

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Jun 27, 2023Liked by Valerie Monroe

First, congrats on your skin check results, Val! (When I first read the title of this post I thought you might be testing tape for “line-smoothing,” as an alt to Frownies. LOL!)

As for the packing tape trick for warts, my husband’s podiatrist recommended a similar technique for a plantar wart on the sole of his foot.

Instead of clear packing tape, she recommended standard grey duct tape (which may not be so great for the thinner, more sensitive skin of the face), along with a Salicylic Acid 27.5% Rx wart remover, which stings like hell. Definitely off limits for the face!

But the oxygen deprivation provided by taping makes sense. Love the recommendations in the comments. Always learn something new here at HNTFUYF!

Loved hearing about your gratitude practice too. I do my own gratitude meditation before I go to bed. Letting go of the day with a grateful heart helps me feel that even the rockiest one was a day well lived.

Also delighted to see M’s portrait of you—a masterpiece! Looks just like you!

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Hello, easy way to neutralise warts with essential oils requiring tea-tree and lemon peel EO. First test both to rule out any allergy or skin reaction to them : one drop of each on a hidden patch of skin. Wait 48h. If no reaction: you’re good to go! Then during 3 weeks pour 1 to 2 drop(s) of both EO on a cotton bud and apply on skin twice a day for three weeks. Stop for one week then start again until it disappears. Warts seem to be caused by one papilloma virus. It may take time to get rid of your wart but both EO are inexpensive. ⚠️ lemon EO (like most citruses) is photosensitising so no sun where you apply it ! And try to only apply exactly where the wart is. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🍀🍀

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Valerie Monroe

I suspect your wart/whatever is gone because I just got one on just under my eyebrow which I suspect is too much empathy on my part!

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Maybe it's crazy, but Vaporub gets rid of warts. Not instantaneously! But try it... it will make you look less like a package than packing tape, if that's what you're going for!

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long story short

just grateful i can STILL slide out of bed ....usually after that its ALL pretty much gravy

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