Jun 22Liked by Valerie Monroe

Val, you are hilarious and I love your wit and wisdom. Your posts make me giggle inside and out. Thanks for being you. 🥰

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Jun 22Liked by Valerie Monroe

Me too!!

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Thank you, Mimi! xo

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Thank you, Helene! I'm so glad you're enjoying the posts! xo

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Jun 22Liked by Valerie Monroe

Walt Whitman with sunscreen 🤣 I love your writing!

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Thank you, Lise! I'm so glad you're enjoying the posts! xo

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Val, the way your write with such humor, wit and honesty is what makes me excited to read each post. I rub my hands together when I see one, like okay, here we go! I do have a confession, even though I use $1.99 coconut oil soap and an $8.99 cleanser both of which I love, I ordered a pricey jar of Crepe Erase (thank you Jane Seymour) in a moment of weakness because of the terrible sun damaged red and crepe-y skin on my chest. It will be in my next post in which I write, "I'm not sure if I'm embarrassed or delighted. Only time will tell." I guess I should know better but...you know, hope in jar :)

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Dina, please do let us know about the Crepe Erase; if it works to improve the appearance of crepiness, it's only cosmetic, but that might be welcome anyway for some circumstances, right? Thanks for being our guinea pig (and for your very kind words about HNTFUYF). xo

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Jun 22Liked by Valerie Monroe

Val, I loved reading this hopeful, not hypeful, post. And every time I reup my Weleda skincare products, get home, and use them, I remember why—because they smell nice, feel good, and make me happy, which improves my face and also my mind<3

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Trish--isn't that exactly what you want from your skincare?! I'm so glad you found something you love! xo

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22Liked by Valerie Monroe

For some time I've been going through a process called "Swedish Death Cleaning" and will be going away works of art that I have loved to be re-homed to others who can love them beyond my current age of 61. This led to my thinking about your words today , which got me up and off of my bed (where I've been planted during this heat wave apart from provider appointments) and peek at my medicine cabinet and wondering how I can truly simplify my skincare routine. A good reminder about the marketing of products "Hope in a Jar" and to resist the marketing or at least be honest with myself of what these products can really do.

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Elena, I'm glad you're feeling motivated to simplify, if that's what you're into right now; all you need is a cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen (and a treatment product like a retinoid, if you can tolerate it). That should help reduce the clutter in your medicine cabinet! xo

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Jun 22Liked by Valerie Monroe

Um Val….I need to know which glycolic acid cleanser you recommend because apparently I can’t make a beauty decision without you now. 💞

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Kirsten, egad I see I kind of recommend a glycolic acid cleanser in this very post. Now I can't remember why, bc a sal acid cleanser will give you the same results. Do you still trust me, with my only half a mind? xo

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Jun 22Liked by Valerie Monroe

Hm, interesting. My Filipino grandmother, who has spent her life in the sun and looks twenty years younger than her actual age, has never used anything on her skin other than Ivory soap and coconut oil.

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Themis, I have one word for you: genetics. xo

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Jun 23Liked by Valerie Monroe

OMG you’re such a good writer. But this post is the best one ever (since last week). Running to warm up some coconut oil….

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Why, thank you, dear Pam. But you need nothing for your beautiful skin! xo

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Jun 23Liked by Valerie Monroe

Love these Saturday reposts of HNTFUYF posts from the past, Val!

Daily sunscreen all year round has been a must for me since my mid-30s (only wish I’d been more aware at an earlier age). The one I’m loving now is Coola 50 Classic Face Sunscreen Lotion, formulated with 70% organic ingredients.

It checks all the boxes for me: broad spectrum SPF 50, fragrance-free, non-greasy, water-resistant and lightly moisturizing. Also feels luxurious—nothing like feeling both pampered and protected!

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Jun 23·edited Jun 23Author

Carol, thanks for the suggestion re: the Coola sunscreen. Will have to try it! xo

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Botox is Botox; as is said, “accept no substitutes”. There is not a single thing out there that will ever take its place and, for me, it’s $$$ well spent.

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Jun 22Liked by Valerie Monroe


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I get Botox for medical reasons, and one time I had a neurologist who cared about riding one of wrinkles! He was great! My current neurologist knows I like to the Botox to rid me of wrinkles, but it doesn’t work at the dosage they use. Cannot afford to get it cosmetically-so sad, but I get to love myself with natural aging. Kids aren’t going to know what aging humans look like anymore 🤣

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Karen, I'm glad you've found something that works well for you! xo

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Jun 22Liked by Valerie Monroe

Thank you for (among other things) telling us about the lavender facial tissues...never knew such a lovely thing existed!

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K--right??? Aren't they great? xo

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Jun 22Liked by Valerie Monroe

I just put some in my Amazon shopping cart!

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At 60 my facial skin started to look older at 63, with a number of fractures in my back @ 63, it seems I’ve aged a bit more than I think I should 😳.

My cheeks are getting tiny broken blood vessels and I’m getting vertical old lady lines on my left cheek. Ugh 😑

I’ve had a 3 step cleaning routine for my face. And I think health and medication may cause some of speed up (I think) in aging skin?

Is there anything for those tiny broken blood vessels on my cheeks and excessive lines on my cheeks, or is it just the way it is. Can’t afford Botox and the dr doesn’t use enough for migraines to make any difference. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ Thank you

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Karen -- for sure, health issues can affect the way your skin looks as you age, so I hope your health improves and that you're able to get the care you need. As for the blood vessels in your cheeks, next week's post, in response to another reader's question, has a few suggestions. And the vertical lines on your left cheek? They might be caused by your sleeping position if you sleep on your left side. Botox wouldn't necessarily be helpful in minimizing them, but changing your sleep position if possible, or using a silk pillowcase or a different pillow might help. I wrote about that here: https://www.thecut.com/article/sleep-habits-wrinkles-solutions.html xo

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I only sleep on my back due to fractures (11 😳😳) quote the life changing shock. But, I used to sleep on my left-so yep. I have a silk pillowcase. I look forward to next week’s publication. Thank you so much for responding 💕🦋

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Jun 22Liked by Valerie Monroe

Karin, I had the broken blood vessels on my nose zapped (laser?) three years ago. They have not come back. See you next week, I know Val will have the best info!

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Thank you! Zapping sounds good 👍

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Jun 22Liked by Valerie Monroe

Karen! Sorry about that, voice texting spelled it incorrectly.

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Kristen, do you think going to aesthetician is a good place to start?

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Jun 28Liked by Valerie Monroe

My regular dermatologist has an aesthetic dermatology clinic in conjunction with the medical practice. The aesthetician who did mine is a licensed medical aesthetician. She also has a medical assistant degree, and works as a surgical assistant. I’ve never been to any other practitioner so that’s the best advice I have to give!

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Jun 24Liked by Valerie Monroe

Thank goodness for you. One day you’ll reach us all!

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Hope so, dear Joy! xo

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I love that your reader asked if there’s anything left she can still buy! I’m with her💕, there is that lovely little pocket of enjoyment from purchasing a beautiful thing just for myself. Maybe I’ll stick to fragrance! Thanks Val, I loved the article.

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Donna, for me, fragrance is always a good choice, for exactly the reason you mention. I'm so happy you're still enjoying these posts! xo

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Since I was personally mentored by the formulator who discovered the peptide for the cosmetic industry and who formulated the original "hope in a jar", Ill weigh in and say that the skincare product that works best is the one you use regularly with love, intention and belief. Having said that, coconut oil is especially powerful due its lauric acid content and works for skin that isnt sensitive or prone to inflammation. Rose water is every holistic babe's best beauty secret and the pad its self adds some oomph to her process. Rose is quite astringent not to mention its high frequency and spiritual powers.

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Amy, thank you for your always elucidating comments! xo

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Thanks for providing a forum where my disparate expertise can be shared!

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Ah, and thank YOU for sharing it here! xo

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Jun 22Liked by Valerie Monroe

This was exactly the read I needed! Thank you for your wit & truth telling.

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Yolanda-- so glad the post resonated for you! xo

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