I’m no longer allowing myself to feel guilty about being vain - at least sometimes!

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OK, I'll out myself -- I bought a NuFace. And I was using it dutifully, and I thought I saw results, but I think that was magical thinking. Going forward, I am going to take the advice to save my money for in-office treatments that have results. And, yes, I am vain.

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Aug 22, 2023·edited Aug 22, 2023Liked by Valerie Monroe

-- “No one ever wins, not even the most conventionally beautiful.” -- As a doctor, I have seen how people can be terrified of parameters, and looking for reasons to “hate” themselves. It’s always “healing” when we can help, but as I recently wrote on my Substack, there’s beauty in being embraced by our own vulnerabilities and moving forward. What you wrote today, deeply resonates with my perception that we humans often seek through lines between accepting imperfections and recognizing victories.

P.s. I love the interview you posted yesterday & your voice! Xx.

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AnonymousAug 22, 2023Liked by Valerie Monroe

Dear Val, I love reading about your engaging and creative granddaughter. What may not be obvious to some readers is how much clear intention you've devoted to nurturing, supporting, and expanding that relationship to make it meaningful and fulfilling for both of you.

Vanity is a hydra-headed snake—when one head (form) is resisted or conquered another attacks (often under the cover of darkness). As I come to the acceptance that my face and body are aging I take pride in the 'mature self-awareness' of that acknowledgment. The antidote to vanity, always unfulfilling, is the self-nurturing that comes through connection with ones essential values. Clearly you've fostered this self-connection in your relationship with M.

With love,


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Reading this as I gua sha my face using a soup spoon after dropping and breaking my jade gua sha tool this week. May or may not have recently ordered Facial Smoothies from Amazon only to stuff them in a drawer after reading the too-complicated instructions. Vain? Absolutely. But also kind of lazy about it.

Thank you for another fun one, Val! And I'm VERY envious of your crown-parachute-bed situation.

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Valerie Monroe

This story about your granddaughter is the sweetest thing I have read in ages. Thank you.

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'“If you’re in a tornado,” she said, “this will turn into a bed when you hit the ground.”

I love a person who thinks of everything.'

Ha ha! Love this! I am howling!!

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Vanity, vanity, they name is woman. Don't remember what poet said it, but let's not confine it to women. I've never thought of myself as handsome but when a friend told me the other day that I was, well, I was pleased. I tell myself I'm too old to care, but I'm always surprised to see myself in a mirror. Is that handsome? Well, I don't know. Not something you can say about yourself. But you, Val. You have that same beauty shining out of you face as when I first met you. So smile on. You've earned it.

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Valerie Monroe

Always informative, timely, with great insights from trusted experts, AND delightful personal anecdotes. Love, love, love HNTFUYF!!! I am also a "nearing 70" lady and have undertaken some non-invasive treatments. YOLO, right? And it's a lot more fun to look in the mirror now.

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OMG, M is brilliant. That is amazing. And while I stand by my no face-washing no makeup routine, I do like to read about all these products I'm saving so much money not buying.

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Haha, I have one of these very devices in my bathroom. You are going to save me so much money Val. Over the course of 'the rest of my life' there will be many dollars I don't spend as I remind myself to like my face the way it is.

You are doing good work!

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Valerie Monroe

I have been using the Solawave wand along with Skinceuticals Lip Repair for several months twice a day and am seeing results....small, but results. The lines above my lip are not as deep and seem to be slowly smoothing out. Supposed to "build collagen" which I only partially believe, but I will take the small improvement!

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i seem to recall isabel once commenting in here this was her "favorite corner of the internet" and so it is no surprise given your vignettes with "M' who must be the most adorable girl in the universe and who steadily emits a pulse of love as lighthouse might from Block island, no surprise to fathom that saying which i wish i'd known far earlier in a life which is not now nor ever will be concerned with the ramifications of beauty products (ha) : "and by their friends, you shall know them"

pure joy thanks

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I always love hearing stories about your very clever granddaughter!!

Had never heard of powder sunscreen before. Wow! the colorscience looks amazing. A bit out of my price range (even with the discount) but I will keep it in mind for the future. thank you, as always, for the good advice and sharing smiles.

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Aug 23, 2023Liked by Valerie Monroe

Crown morphing into parachute then again into a tornado-proof bed! Leave it to the delightful—and ever resourceful—Miss M to think of everything!

On the topic of vanity, I don’t think “enjoying the clarity” of your complexion makes you vain. I tend to be on the same page as Jane Austen, who writes in “Pride and Prejudice” that “Vanity and pride are two different things.” Austen goes on to say, “Pride relates to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we would have others think of us.”

Why is it OK to take pride in our work or the accomplishment of a child we’re raising or teaching or so many other things, but not in the way we look without being thought vain? IMHO, enjoying what we see in the mirror is also another way to mute our inner critic.

Once again, another thought-provoking post, dear Val! And thanks for working your magic to land the Sunforgettable deal. Your generosity is unforgettable!

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Gosh I love how children always have a solution to routine problems like getting caught in a twister with your crown, or the inevitability of quicksand. Glad she’s quite literally got your back! I need something that will conjure up a bed when I fall down at the end of the day- any chance she’ll market these crowns? 😜

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