I'm sure you've read Jessica Delfino's post from after Dobbs was leaked. But man, this part of it stuck with me "It is no coincidence that beauty standards are more expansive and oppressive than ever now — now, when citizens are being forcefully stripped of body autonomy...Beauty standards are part of the same system — the system that rises up to squash any little sign of liberation."

In other words: if you think like a thing, you'll act like a thing--a thing, which is, decidedly... not YOURSELF. This post is funny as ever, (thanks, especially, for the animal kisses) but I can't wait to take a more serious dive into the paper. Thanks for making me think :)

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"If you think like a thing, you'll act like a thing"... yikes. I'd never thought of it in those terms, but of course it makes sense. This is a great post. You can't talk about self-objectification *enough*, in my opinion.

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Jun 28, 2022Liked by Valerie Monroe

After reading your excellent post, the corners of my mouth automatically turned up. 👄

On the Japanese beauty culture observation re sunscreen, while on a recent stroll to Whole Foods, I found myself standing behind two young Asian women. (Or they may have been Asian-American.) They were beautifully dressed in summer frocks and floppy hats. As we waited for the traffic light to change, the women took turns squeezing sunscreen from a tube onto the backs of their hands, then lightly tapped it into their flawless skin. Their sidewalk ritual made me think that perhaps I could be a little “more assiduous about sun protection.”

The women apparently took the recommendation to reapply sunscreen every 2 hours seriously. Something I only do when I’m at the beach. Nonetheless, this street scene did inspire me to remember to slather sunscreen on my hands before heading outdoors. Thank you, ladies!

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Bite the ass off a bear? Is your friend from the South? And...the bit about the lip lift is terrifying news.

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Jun 28, 2022Liked by Valerie Monroe

Oddly, you look a bit like Steve Martin. One more way for you to be adorable.

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thanks again Valerie. i love this post - everything you say is true, and yet (yet? No, also -) i have a burning Q about salycylic acid - your thoughts on STridex? is this classic teen standby a cheap way to exfoliate?

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